Once upon a time, there was a man named Joe. Joe liked to show his nice, big cock… in the subway train. There are a lot of fat girls with big boobies in the subway train, and they liked his nice, big cock. So, they all went skiing naked at Mount Me Ski Hill. After they drank at the bar, they were drunk. They all got naked and went skiing. Big Bertha got wet on the chair lift, which, unfortunately, got Joe’s nice, big cock stuck… the chair lift. Joe was in quite the predicament and was quite unsure what to do, so he solicited the fat girls until one of them agreed to blow on his nice, big cock. Sadly, this caused Joe’s nice, big cock to get very hard, but it was still stuck. What should he do?? Well, on the chair behind them, Gritchine threw him Mentos. After Big Bertha’s job, he got unstuck. As they were getting off the lift, the guy at the top looked at him very weird. Joe showed him the Mentos and everybody just started to laugh and give Joe the thumbs up! Just then, Jenny… showed up in a funny coloured hat and stole the Mentos!! She was naked, besides the hat. Jenny realized she was naked and traded a snowball for Mike’s clothes. Since Joe was bi, he got hard again after seeing Mike nekkid. Joe started to try and pick Mike up, but slowly started getting soft again. He needed something to help pick himself up. Joe realized he had no chance of getting Mike so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He hit Mike over the head with a ski pole and dragged him off to his secret cave to ravage him. Mike woke up, though! He hit Joe over the head and took his knife. Mike skied down the hill towards his car and left. Once Joe came to, he decided Dan would do it without having to be hit over the head. So, he did. Then, Jenny died. Jenny’s naked ghost started to haunt people. Although Jenny was naked, it didn’t matter… because she was dead. Joe’s nice, big cock killed Dan. Dan and Jenny lived happily ever after as naked ghosts. Story written by: Danielle, Jenny, Mike, Dan, and some unknown guy with an eyebrow ring.